4 Must-Have Sales Metrics for Salespeople

2 min readMar 11, 2022
a sales paper report on a wooden table

Image by RODNAE Productions from pexels

Salespeople play a significant role in closing deals and converting clients. Your sales processes may look great on the top, but a more profound analysis may reveal different results.

Besides, analyzing your key performance indicators (KPIs) should not only be about generated income and calls made a day. Here are some secret KPIs that you should measure to get priorities right.

  • Customer’s Lifetime Value

Knowing how valuable a customer is after conversion is vital. A sound CLV metric strategy lets you know how much a customer brings into your business. You calculate it by taking the amount spent per sale multiplied by sales frequency over the retention period.

  • Net Promoter Score

This metric shows how a customer will likely refer your product/service to others. It’s usually rolled out as a customer satisfaction program where customers get asked to rate their satisfaction.

Questions can range from one to several, with the main one offering a rating scale. If you choose a 1–10 model, 1 can refer to not likely, and 10 would show most likely.

  • Prospective Leads

This metric refers to a client interested in your product/service but has not converted yet. If the number lies low, this metric shows the need to use more marketing strategies for exposure. Similarly, excess opportunities overwhelm your team, and time gets wasted trying to close deals.

  • Market Power

This metric helps you understand how your product/service gets used compared to the estimated market usage. With close monitoring, you get insights into improving your products/services. This way, you tap into the untapped market to become a recognized authority.

Key Takeaway

Having the right salespeople while using typical metrics won’t make your sales processes stand out. While sales metrics are not a one-profile-fits-all, choosing what works better is essential. The above are some notable metrics that remain untapped by many; stand out by picking your best fit.




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